Mastering Apache mod_rewrite: Comparing Two Backreferences in RewriteCond
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Mastering Apache mod_rewrite: Comparing Two Backreferences in RewriteCond

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Are you tired of struggling with complex URL rewriting rules in Apache? Do you find yourself lost in a sea of regex patterns and backreferences? Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the world of mod_rewrite and explore one of its most powerful features: comparing two backreferences in RewriteCond.

Understanding Backreferences

Before we dive into the meat of the topic, let’s quickly cover the basics of backreferences in mod_rewrite. A backreference is a way to refer to a previously matched pattern in a regex expression. In mod_rewrite, backreferences are denoted by a dollar sign ($) followed by a number, which corresponds to the capture group in the regex pattern.

RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]

In the above example, the regex pattern (.*) captures the entire URL path, and the $1 backreference is used to refer to the captured group in the rewrite target.

What Are RewriteCond?

RewriteCond, short for Rewrite Condition, is a directive in mod_rewrite that allows you to specify a condition that must be met before a rewrite rule is applied. RewriteCond is used in conjunction with RewriteRule to create more complex and flexible URL rewriting rules.

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/old-path
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]

In the above example, the RewriteCond directive specifies that the REQUEST_URI variable must start with /old-path before the rewrite rule is applied.

Comparing Two Backreferences in RewriteCond

Now that we’ve covered the basics of backreferences and RewriteCond, let’s dive into the topic at hand: comparing two backreferences in RewriteCond.

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)/old-path(.*)$
RewriteCond %1 = %2
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]

In the above example, we’re comparing two backreferences (%1 and %2) in the RewriteCond directive. But what does this mean, and how does it work?

The first RewriteCond directive captures the entire REQUEST_URI variable using the regex pattern ^(.*)/old-path(.*)$. This pattern creates two capture groups: one for the path before /old-path and one for the path after /old-path. These capture groups are referred to as %1 and %2, respectively.

The second RewriteCond directive compares the two backreferences (%1 and %2) using the = operator. This operator checks if the two values are equal, and if they are, the rewrite rule is applied.

When to Use This Technique

Comparing two backreferences in RewriteCond is useful when you need to check if two parts of a URL are equal before applying a rewrite rule. Here are a few scenarios where this technique comes in handy:

  • **Canonicalizing URLs**: You can use this technique to canonicalize URLs by checking if the URL path before and after a certain point are equal. For example, you might want to redirect URLs with duplicate slashes (e.g., //) to their canonical equivalent.
  • **Redirecting legacy URLs**: Suppose you’ve recently restructured your website and want to redirect legacy URLs to their new equivalents. By comparing the URL path before and after a certain point, you can ensure that the redirect only occurs if the URL has changed.
  • **Preventing infinite loops**: In some cases, you might want to prevent infinite redirects by checking if the original URL is the same as the rewritten URL. By comparing the two backreferences, you can ensure that the rewrite rule only applies if the URLs are different.

Real-World Examples

Let’s take a look at some real-world examples of comparing two backreferences in RewriteCond:

Example 1: Canonicalizing URLs with Duplicate Slashes

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)//(.*)$
RewriteCond %1 = %2
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]

In this example, we’re checking if the URL path before and after the duplicate slash (//) are equal. If they are, the rewrite rule redirects the URL to its canonical equivalent.

Example 2: Redirecting Legacy URLs

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/old-category/(.*)$
RewriteCond %1 = ^/new-category/(.*)$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]

In this example, we’re checking if the URL path before /old-category/ is the same as the URL path before /new-category/. If they are, the rewrite rule redirects the legacy URL to its new equivalent.

Example 3: Preventing Infinite Loops

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)$
RewriteCond %1 != %{THE_REQUEST}
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]

In this example, we’re checking if the original URL (%{THE_REQUEST}) is different from the rewritten URL (%1). If they are different, the rewrite rule applies; otherwise, the rule is skipped to prevent an infinite loop.


Comparing two backreferences in RewriteCond is a powerful technique in Apache mod_rewrite that allows you to create more complex and flexible URL rewriting rules. By mastering this technique, you can canonicalize URLs, redirect legacy URLs, and prevent infinite loops.

Remember to always test your rewrite rules thoroughly to ensure they’re working as intended. With practice and patience, you’ll become a mod_rewrite expert in no time!

Method Description
Backreferences Denoted by $ followed by a number, refers to a previously matched pattern in a regex expression.
RewriteCond A directive in mod_rewrite that specifies a condition that must be met before a rewrite rule is applied.
Comparing Backreferences in RewriteCond A technique that allows you to compare two backreferences in a RewriteCond directive to check if they are equal or not.

By mastering the art of comparing two backreferences in RewriteCond, you’ll be well on your way to becoming an Apache mod_rewrite expert. Happy rewriting!


  1. Q: What is the purpose of RewriteCond in mod_rewrite?
  2. A: RewriteCond is used to specify a condition that must be met before a rewrite rule is applied.
  3. Q: How do I refer to a previously matched pattern in a regex expression in mod_rewrite?
  4. A: You can refer to a previously matched pattern using a backreference, denoted by $ followed by a number, which corresponds to the capture group in the regex pattern.
  5. Q: Can I compare two backreferences in RewriteCond?
  6. A: Yes, you can compare two backreferences in RewriteCond using the = operator to check if they are equal or not.

Still have questions? Feel free to ask in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to master the art of comparing backreferences in RewriteCond!

How do I compare two backreferences using RewriteCond?

You can compare two backreferences using the RewriteCond directive with the %{VAR} syntax. For example: RewriteCond %{1} == %{2} would compare the first and second backreferences. Make sure to use the correct syntax and backreference numbers to get the desired result!

What is the difference between %{1} and %1 in RewriteCond?

In RewriteCond, %{1} and %1 are used to access backreferences, but they serve different purposes. %{1} is used to access a backreference as a string, while %1 is used to access it as a pattern. Use %{1} when you need to compare strings, and %1 when you need to match patterns.

Can I use logical operators to compare backreferences in RewriteCond?

Yes, you can use logical operators like &&, ||, and ! to combine multiple conditions when comparing backreferences in RewriteCond. For example: RewriteCond %{1} == foo && %{2} == bar would check if both conditions are true. Just remember to follow the correct syntax and operator precedence!

How do I case-insensitively compare backreferences in RewriteCond?

To case-insensitively compare backreferences, use the [NC] flag at the end of your RewriteCond statement. For example: RewriteCond %{1} [NC] == %{2} would perform a case-insensitive comparison. This flag makes the comparison more flexible and accommodating.

What if I need to compare multiple backreferences in RewriteCond?

No problem! You can chain multiple comparisons together using logical operators. For example: RewriteCond %{1} == %{2} && %{2} == %{3} would compare the first and second backreferences, and then compare the second and third backreferences. Just remember to keep your logic tidy and easy to read!