Reference a MongoDB Subdocument with a Subdocument in the Same Array: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Reference a MongoDB Subdocument with a Subdocument in the Same Array: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of storing categories in separate documents, only to struggle with referencing them in your MongoDB database? Worry no more! In this article, we’ll show you how to reference a MongoDB subdocument with a subdocument in the same array, all while keeping your categories neatly organized within a single document.

Understanding MongoDB Subdocuments

A subdocument is a document nested inside another document in MongoDB. Subdocuments are useful for storing related data that belongs to a single entity, such as a product with multiple variations or a user with multiple addresses.

  "_id": ObjectId,
  "name": "Product",
  "variations": [
      "size": "S",
      "price": 10
      "size": "M",
      "price": 15
      "size": "L",
      "price": 20

In the example above, the “variations” field is an array of subdocuments, each containing information about a specific product variation.

The Problem: Referencing Subdocuments in the Same Array

Imagine you want to reference a specific subdocument within the “variations” array using a field from another subdocument in the same array. For instance, you might want to find all products with a variation that has a price higher than the average price of all variations.

This is where things get tricky, as MongoDB doesn’t allow you to reference subdocuments using the dot notation (e.g., “variations.0.price”) directly in a query.

The Solution: Using the $arrayElemAt and $filter Operators

Luckily, MongoDB provides two operators that can help us achieve our goal: $arrayElemAt and $filter.

The $arrayElemAt Operator

The $arrayElemAt operator returns a specific element from an array. You can use it to reference a subdocument within an array by its position.

    $addFields: {
      "avgPrice": { $avg: "$variations.price" }
    $addFields: {
      "highPriceVariations": {
        $filter: {
          input: "$variations",
          cond: { $gt: ["$$this.price", "$avgPrice"] }

In the example above, we use $arrayElemAt to calculate the average price of all variations, and then use $filter to find all variations with a price higher than the average price.

The $filter Operator

The $filter operator returns an array of elements that match a specified condition. You can use it to filter subdocuments within an array based on their fields.

    $addFields: {
      "categories": {
        $filter: {
          input: "$variations.categories",
          cond: { $eq: ["$$this.category", "Electronics"] }

In the example above, we use $filter to find all subdocuments within the “variations” array that have a “categories” field containing the value “Electronics”.

Example Scenario: Referencing Categories in the Same Array

Let’s say you have a products collection with the following document:

  "_id": ObjectId,
  "name": "Product",
  "variations": [
      "size": "S",
      "price": 10,
      "categories": [
      "size": "M",
      "price": 15,
      "categories": [
      "size": "L",
      "price": 20,
      "categories": [

You want to find all products with a variation that has a category “Gadgets” or “Accessories”. You can use the following aggregation pipeline:

    $addFields: {
      "hasGadgetsOrAccessories": {
        $anyElementTrue: {
          $map: {
            input: "$variations",
            as: "variation",
            in: {
              $or: [
                { $in: ["Gadgets", "$$variation.categories"] },
                { $in: ["Accessories", "$$variation.categories"] }
    $match: { hasGadgetsOrAccessories: true }

The pipeline uses $map to iterate over the “variations” array, and then uses $in to check if the “categories” array contains the values “Gadgets” or “Accessories”. The $anyElementTrue operator returns true if any element in the array matches the condition.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to reference a MongoDB subdocument with a subdocument in the same array, without storing categories in a separate document. By using the $arrayElemAt and $filter operators, you can perform complex queries that involve referencing subdocuments within the same array.

Remember to use the $addFields operator to add new fields to your documents, and the $match operator to filter your results. With these techniques, you’ll be able to tackle even the most challenging MongoDB queries with ease!


  • Can I use the dot notation to reference subdocuments in the same array?

    No, the dot notation is not supported for referencing subdocuments in the same array. You must use the $arrayElemAt or $filter operators instead.

  • How do I reference a subdocument in a nested array?

    You can use the $arrayElemAt operator to reference a subdocument in a nested array. For example, if you have an array of arrays, you can use $arrayElemAt to reference the inner array.

  • Can I use the $filter operator to filter subdocuments based on multiple conditions?

Operator Description
$arrayElemAt Returns a specific element from an array
$filter Returns an array of elements that match a specified condition
$addFields Adds new fields to a document

I hope this article has helped you understand how to reference a MongoDB subdocument with a subdocument in the same array. Happy querying!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your questions about referencing a MongoDB subdocument with a subdocument in the same array!

Can I reference a MongoDB subdocument with a subdocument in the same array?

Yes, you can! MongoDB allows you to reference a subdocument with another subdocument within the same array. You can use the positional operator ($) to access the subdocument and then reference the other subdocument.

How do I update a subdocument with a reference to another subdocument in the same array?

You can use the `$set` operator to update a subdocument with a reference to another subdocument in the same array. For example, `db.collection.updateOne({ _id: ObjectId(“…”) }, { $set: { “array.$.subdoc” : “$array.subdoc” } })`. This will update the `subdoc` field of the first element in the `array` field with a reference to the `subdoc` field of another element in the same array.

Can I use an array of objects with references to other subdocuments?

Yes, you can! MongoDB allows you to store an array of objects, where each object can have a reference to another subdocument in the same array. This can be useful for representing complex relationships between subdocuments.

How do I query a subdocument with a reference to another subdocument in the same array?

You can use the `$elemMatch` operator to query a subdocument with a reference to another subdocument in the same array. For example, `db.collection.find({ array: { $elemMatch: { subdoc: { $eq: “$array.subdoc” } } } })`. This will find all documents where the `subdoc` field of an element in the `array` field matches the `subdoc` field of another element in the same array.

Are there any performance implications of referencing subdocuments in the same array?

Yes, there can be performance implications of referencing subdocuments in the same array. Since MongoDB has to traverse the array to resolve the reference, it can lead to slower query performance. However, this can be mitigated by using indexing and optimizing your query.