Unable to Authenticate Request to MongoDB from SpringBoot Application: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Iiana - hkhazo.biz.id

Unable to Authenticate Request to MongoDB from SpringBoot Application: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of getting the “Unable to authenticate request to MongoDB” error in your SpringBoot application? Well, you’re not alone! This frustrating issue has puzzled many developers, but fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll take you on a journey to troubleshoot and solve this pesky problem, ensuring you can seamlessly connect to your MongoDB database.

Understanding the Error

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s first understand what’s happening behind the scenes. When you encounter the “Unable to authenticate request to MongoDB” error, it typically means that your SpringBoot application is unable to authenticate with your MongoDB instance. This could be due to various reasons, including:

  • Incorrect username or password
  • Insufficient privileges for the user
  • Misconfigured MongoDB connection settings
  • Incompatible MongoDB driver versions

Solution 1: Check Your MongoDB Credentials

The most obvious culprit is often the simplest: incorrect or outdated credentials. Double-check that your username and password match the ones specified in your MongoDB instance.

      uri: mongodb://username:password@localhost:27017/
      database: your_database_name

Make sure to update your application.properties or application.yml file with the correct credentials. If you’re using a MongoDB Atlas cluster, ensure that your username and password are correct, and that the correct IP address is whitelisted in the Atlas dashboard.

Solution 2: Verify MongoDB Privileges

Another common cause of the authentication issue is insufficient privileges for the user. Ensure that the user has the necessary roles and permissions to access the database.

For example, if you’re using a dedicated user for your application, make sure it has the readWrite role for the specific database:

use your_database_name
  role: "readWrite",
  roles: ["readWrite"]

Run this command in the MongoDB shell to grant the necessary privileges to your user.

Solution 3: Check MongoDB Connection Settings

Sometimes, the issue lies in the way you’ve configured your MongoDB connection settings in your SpringBoot application. Verify that your connection settings match the ones specified in your MongoDB instance.

      host: localhost
      port: 27017
      authentication-database: admin

Make sure that the host, port, and authentication-database properties are correctly set. If you’re using a replica set, ensure that the correct replica set name is specified.

Solution 4: Update MongoDB Driver Versions

Incompatible MongoDB driver versions can also cause authentication issues. Ensure that you’re using the correct version of the MongoDB Java driver that’s compatible with your SpringBoot application.

 dependencies {
  implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb'
  implementation 'org.mongodb:mongo-java-driver:3.12.10'

In your pom.xml file (if you’re using Maven) or build.gradle file (if you’re using Gradle), update the MongoDB driver version to the latest compatible one.

Solution 5: Enable Authentication in MongoDB

If you’re using a MongoDB instance without authentication enabled, you’ll need to enable it to authenticate requests from your SpringBoot application. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Create an admin user with the root role:
    use admin
      user: "admin",
      pwd: "password",
      roles: ["root"]
    use admin
      authSchemaVersion: 3
    sudo service mongod restart

Solution 6: Use SSL/TLS Encryption

If you’re using a MongoDB instance with SSL/TLS encryption enabled, ensure that your SpringBoot application is configured to use the correct SSL/TLS settings.

      uri: mongodb://username:password@localhost:27017/
      ssl-enabled: true
      ssl-invalid-hostname-allowed: true

Make sure to specify the correct SSL/TLS settings in your application.properties or application.yml file.

Additional Troubleshooting Steps

If none of the above solutions work, here are some additional troubleshooting steps to take:

  • Check the MongoDB log files for any errors or warnings related to authentication.
  • Verify that the MongoDB instance is running and listening on the correct port.
  • Use a MongoDB client like MongoDB Compass or Robo 3T to test the connection to the database.
  • Check the SpringBoot application logs for any errors or warnings related to MongoDB connection.


In conclusion, the “Unable to authenticate request to MongoDB” error in your SpringBoot application can be frustrating, but it’s often a simple fix. By following the solutions outlined in this article, you should be able to troubleshoot and solve the issue, ensuring seamless connectivity to your MongoDB database.

Solution Description
1. Check MongoDB credentials Verify correct username and password in application.properties or application.yml file.
2. Verify MongoDB privileges Ensure correct roles and permissions for the user.
3. Check MongoDB connection settings Verify correct host, port, and authentication-database settings.
4. Update MongoDB driver versions Ensure compatible MongoDB Java driver version.
5. Enable authentication in MongoDB Enable authentication for the MongoDB instance.
6. Use SSL/TLS encryption Configure correct SSL/TLS settings for MongoDB instance with SSL/TLS encryption enabled.

By following these solutions, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the “Unable to authenticate request to MongoDB” error in your SpringBoot application.

Frequently Asked Question

Let’s dive into the most common questions about “Unable to authenticate request to MongoDB from SpringBoot application”

Why am I getting an authentication error when trying to connect to MongoDB from my SpringBoot application?

Check if your MongoDB instance is running with authentication enabled! If it is, make sure you’ve provided the correct username and password in your SpringBoot application’s MongoDB configuration. Double-check that the credentials are correct and that the user has the necessary privileges to access the database.

What are the common mistakes in MongoDB configuration that lead to authentication errors in SpringBoot?

Common mistakes include incorrect database name, incorrect username or password, incorrect authentication mechanism (e.g., using SCRAM-SHA-1 instead of the default SCRAM-SHA-256), and not specifying the authentication database. Review your application.properties or application.yml file to ensure correct configuration.

How can I troubleshoot MongoDB authentication issues in my SpringBoot application?

Enable debug logging for the MongoDB driver and the SpringBoot application to get more detailed error messages. Check the MongoDB server logs for authentication errors. You can also use tools like MongoDB Compass or the mongo shell to test the connection and authentication separately from your SpringBoot application.

Do I need to specify the authentication database in my SpringBoot application’s MongoDB configuration?

Yes! The authentication database is the database where the user credentials are stored. In SpringBoot, you need to specify the authentication database in the MongoDB configuration, usually by adding the `authenticationDatabase` property. This tells the MongoDB driver which database to use for authentication.

What is the difference between SCRAM-SHA-1 and SCRAM-SHA-256 authentication mechanisms in MongoDB?

SCRAM-SHA-1 is the default authentication mechanism in MongoDB 3.x, while SCRAM-SHA-256 is the default in MongoDB 4.x and later. SCRAM-SHA-256 is more secure and is recommended for new deployments. Make sure your SpringBoot application is configured to use the correct authentication mechanism for your MongoDB version.