Solving the Mysterious Solr Exception: “Error loading class ‘solr.scripting.xslt.XSLTResponseWriter'”
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Solving the Mysterious Solr Exception: “Error loading class ‘solr.scripting.xslt.XSLTResponseWriter'”

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Are you tired of encountering the frustrating error “Error loading class ‘solr.scripting.xslt.XSLTResponseWriter'” in your Solr application? Do you find yourself stuck in a never-ending loop of debugging and searching for a solution? Fear not, dear reader, for we have got you covered!

The Error: A Closer Look

The error message “Error loading class ‘solr.scripting.xslt.XSLTResponseWriter'” typically appears when Solr is unable to load the XSLTResponseWriter class, which is responsible for transforming Solr’s XML responses into XSL-FO documents. But why does this happen, you ask? Well, there are several reasons, and we’ll dive into each of them in detail.

Reason 1: Missing or Incorrect Configuration

One of the most common causes of this error is a misconfigured Solr setup. This can occur when the XSLTResponseWriter class is not properly registered in the Solr configuration file (solrconfig.xml). To fix this, make sure that you have the following lines in your solrconfig.xml file:

<queryResponseWriter name="xslt">

If you don’t have these lines, add them to your solrconfig.xml file and restart your Solr instance. Voilà! The error should be resolved.

Reason 2: Incompatible Solr Version

Another reason for this error is using an incompatible Solr version. The XSLTResponseWriter class was introduced in Solr 4.0, so if you’re running an earlier version, you’ll need to upgrade to a compatible version. To check your Solr version, simply run the following command:

curl http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/info/system

This will display your Solr version. If you’re running an incompatible version, upgrade to the latest version to resolve the issue.

Reason 3: Missing Dependencies

Sometimes, the error can occur due to missing dependencies. The XSLTResponseWriter class relies on several external libraries, including Xalan and Xerces. Make sure that these libraries are present in your Solr’s classpath. You can check the classpath by running the following command:


If the necessary libraries are missing, add them to your classpath and restart your Solr instance.

Troubleshooting Steps

Now that we’ve covered the possible reasons for the error, let’s dive into some troubleshooting steps to help you resolve the issue:

  1. Check your Solr configuration file (solrconfig.xml) for any typos or errors. Make sure that the XSLTResponseWriter class is properly registered.

  2. Verify that you’re running a compatible Solr version. If you’re running an earlier version, upgrade to the latest version.

  3. Check the Solr logs for any error messages related to the XSLTResponseWriter class. This can help you identify the root cause of the issue.

  4. Make sure that the necessary dependencies (Xalan and Xerces) are present in your Solr’s classpath.

  5. Try restarting your Solr instance to see if the error resolves itself.

Common Scenarios and Solutions

In this section, we’ll cover some common scenarios where the “Error loading class ‘solr.scripting.xslt.XSLTResponseWriter'” error may occur and provide solutions for each scenario:

Scenario 1: Upgrading Solr

When upgrading Solr, it’s essential to ensure that the XSLTResponseWriter class is properly registered in the new Solr version. To do this, simply copy the relevant configuration lines from your old solrconfig.xml file to the new one.

Scenario 2: Migrating to a New Server

When migrating your Solr instance to a new server, make sure to copy the entire Solr installation, including the configuration files and dependencies. This will ensure that the XSLTResponseWriter class is properly registered and configured on the new server.

Scenario 3: Using a Custom XSLT Response Writer

If you’re using a custom XSLT response writer, make sure that it’s properly registered in your Solr configuration file. You may need to adjust the classpath or configuration to ensure that the custom writer is loaded correctly.

Scenario Solution
Upgrading Solr Copy relevant configuration lines to the new solrconfig.xml file
Migrating to a new server Copy entire Solr installation, including configuration files and dependencies
Using a custom XSLT response writer Adjust classpath or configuration to ensure custom writer is loaded correctly


In conclusion, the “Error loading class ‘solr.scripting.xslt.XSLTResponseWriter'” error can be frustrating, but it’s often caused by simple misconfigurations or incompatible Solr versions. By following the troubleshooting steps and solutions outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve the issue and get your Solr application up and running smoothly. Remember to stay calm, be patient, and don’t hesitate to seek help if you need it!

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask in the comments below. Happy Solr-ing!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on the pesky Solr error that’s got you stumped! 🤔

What is the “Error loading class ‘solr.scripting.xslt.XSLTResponseWriter'” error in Solr?

This error occurs when Solr is unable to load the XSLTResponseWriter class, which is required for XSLT transformation of search results. It’s usually due to a missing or incorrect configuration in the solrconfig.xml file.

Why do I get this error even though I’ve configured XSLTResponseWriter correctly?

Double-check your solrconfig.xml file for typos or incorrect syntax. Also, ensure that the XSLTResponseWriter class is correctly registered and configured in the solrconfig.xml file. If you’re still stuck, try restarting your Solr server to refresh the configuration.

How do I troubleshoot the “Error loading class ‘solr.scripting.xslt.XSLTResponseWriter'” error?

To troubleshoot, review your solrconfig.xml file, solr.log file, and Java classpath. Check for any typos, incorrect syntax, or missing dependencies. You can also try enabling debug logging in Solr to get more detailed error messages.

Can I fix this error by upgrading Solr or Java?

Upgrading Solr or Java might not necessarily fix the issue, as the error is usually related to configuration or classpath issues. However, if you’re using an older version of Solr or Java, upgrading to a newer version might resolve other compatibility issues. Always test your Solr configuration after upgrading.

Is there a workaround for the “Error loading class ‘solr.scripting.xslt.XSLTResponseWriter'” error?

If you’re unable to resolve the issue with XSLTResponseWriter, you can try using an alternative response writer, such as the VelocityResponseWriter or the HtmlResponseWriter. These writers might require additional configuration, but they can provide similar functionality to XSLTResponseWriter.