Initializing Vectors and Arrays with Initialize List of Objects that only have Move Constructor
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Initializing Vectors and Arrays with Initialize List of Objects that only have Move Constructor

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Are you tired of dealing with objects that can’t be copied, but only moved? Do you want to learn how to initialize vectors and arrays with a list of objects that only have a move constructor? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of C++ and explore the wonderful world of move semantics.

What is a Move Constructor?

A move constructor is a special type of constructor that allows an object to be moved from one location to another, rather than being copied. This is particularly useful when working with large objects or objects that hold onto resources, such as files or network connections.

class MyClass {
    MyClass(MyClass&& other) noexcept { /* move constructor */ }

In the example above, the move constructor takes an rvalue reference to another object of the same type, and moves its contents into the new object. This is different from a copy constructor, which would create a copy of the original object.

Initializing Vectors with Move-Only Objects

So, how do we initialize a vector with a list of objects that only have a move constructor? The answer lies in the use of the `std::vector` constructor that takes an initializer list.

std::vector vec = { MyClass(), MyClass(), MyClass() };

In the example above, we create a vector of `MyClass` objects, and initialize it with a list of three objects. But wait, didn’t we say that `MyClass` only has a move constructor? How does this work?

The answer is that the `std::vector` constructor uses a technique called “emplace construction” to create the objects in-place. This means that the objects are constructed directly in the vector, rather than being created separately and then copied or moved into the vector.

How Emplace Construction Works

When we use the `std::vector` constructor with an initializer list, the vector creates a temporary array of objects, and then uses emplace construction to move the objects from the temporary array into the vector.

std::vector vec;
vec.emplace_back(MyClass()); // create an object and move it into the vector
vec.emplace_back(MyClass()); // create another object and move it into the vector
vec.emplace_back(MyClass()); // create a third object and move it into the vector

In the example above, we use the `emplace_back` method to add objects to the vector. Under the hood, the vector creates a temporary object, and then uses the move constructor to move the object into the vector.

Initializing Arrays with Move-Only Objects

But what about arrays? Can we initialize an array with a list of objects that only have a move constructor? The answer is yes, but it’s a bit more complicated.

MyClass arr[] = { MyClass(), MyClass(), MyClass() };

In the example above, we create an array of `MyClass` objects, and initialize it with a list of three objects. But, as before, we’re dealing with move-only objects, so how does this work?

The answer lies in the use of a technique called “guaranteed copy elision”. This is a feature of C++ that allows the compiler to elide (or skip) the creation of temporary objects when initializing an array.

Guaranteed Copy Elision

When we initialize an array with an initializer list, the compiler creates a temporary array of objects, and then uses the move constructor to move the objects into the array. However, with guaranteed copy elision, the compiler can skip the creation of the temporary array, and directly construct the objects in the array.

MyClass arr[3];
arr[0] = MyClass(); // create an object and move it into the array
arr[1] = MyClass(); // create another object and move it into the array
arr[2] = MyClass(); // create a third object and move it into the array

In the example above, we create an array of `MyClass` objects, and then use the assignment operator to move objects into the array. With guaranteed copy elision, the compiler can skip the creation of temporary objects, and directly construct the objects in the array.

Best Practices for Initializing Vectors and Arrays with Move-Only Objects

So, what are the best practices for initializing vectors and arrays with move-only objects? Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Use the `std::vector` constructor with an initializer list to create a vector of move-only objects.
  • Use emplace construction to create objects in-place in the vector.
  • Use guaranteed copy elision to initialize arrays with move-only objects.
  • Avoid using the copy constructor when working with move-only objects.
  • Use move semantics to transfer ownership of objects when possible.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of move semantics and learned how to initialize vectors and arrays with move-only objects. We’ve seen how to use emplace construction and guaranteed copy elision to create objects in-place, and how to avoid the use of copy constructors when working with move-only objects.

By following the best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a master of move semantics and creating efficient, high-performance code.

Keyword Description
Move Constructor A special type of constructor that allows an object to be moved from one location to another.
Emplace Construction A technique used by the `std::vector` constructor to create objects in-place in the vector.
Guaranteed Copy Elision A feature of C++ that allows the compiler to elide the creation of temporary objects when initializing an array.


  1. Q: What is the difference between a move constructor and a copy constructor?

    A: A move constructor is used to move an object from one location to another, while a copy constructor is used to create a copy of an object.

  2. Q: Can I use the copy constructor with move-only objects?

    A: No, you cannot use the copy constructor with move-only objects. Instead, use the move constructor or emplace construction.

  3. Q: What is the benefit of using emplace construction?

    A: Emplace construction allows you to create objects in-place in the vector, which can be more efficient than creating temporary objects and then moving them into the vector.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of C++ and explore the wonders of initializing vectors and arrays with initializing lists of objects that only have move constructors!

Can I use an initializing list to create a vector of objects that only have a move constructor?

Yes, you can! In C++11 and later, you can use an initializing list to create a vector of objects that only have a move constructor. This is because the vector’s constructor will use the move constructor to transfer ownership of the objects from the list to the vector.

What happens if I try to initialize an array with an initializing list of objects that only have a move constructor?

You’ll get a compiler error! Arrays require copyable objects, and since objects with only a move constructor are not copyable, the compiler will raise an error.

Can I use std::array instead of a regular array to avoid the copyability issue?

Yes, you can! std::array is a container that allows you to store objects that are not copyable, as long as they are movable. So, you can use an initializing list to create a std::array of objects that only have a move constructor.

Are there any drawbacks to using an initializing list with objects that only have a move constructor?

One potential drawback is that if an exception is thrown during the initialization process, the objects that have already been constructed will be destroyed, but the ones that haven’t been constructed yet will not be touched. This can lead to resource leaks if the objects hold resources that need to be released.

Are there any scenarios where using an initializing list with objects that only have a move constructor is particularly useful?

Yes, one common scenario is when working with large objects that are expensive to copy, but can be efficiently moved. Using an initializing list with objects that only have a move constructor can provide a performance boost by avoiding unnecessary copies.